Rev Cindy Edelson began her Spiritual quest at the young age of 17 and then follower her heart and attended art school in the San Francisco Bay area.
Years later Cindy was introduced to New Thought wisdom teachings and has been a Spiritual Counselor for over 19 years first through the Centers for Spiritual Living then with Heart Space Teachings in San Jose.
Rev Cindy was recently a staff minister at Agape Bay Area and has Ministerial duties at Agape International. Rev Cindy is also an Energy Codes Master Trainer and Facilitator.
Rev Cindy has birthed two Ministries, “Letting it Go”, and “Letting it Flow”. Letting it Go is a ministry where she supports, counsels, encourages, and coaches people how to let go of what no longer serves whether it is an emotion, beliefs or many objects that are cluttering a person’s energy field.
Letting it Flow is a ministry of creativity where Rev. Cindy teaches paint parties to families, friends, and corporations and has developed a Spiritual Painting experience called “Art from the Heart” where she combines Energy Codes practices for removal of the subconscious belief that “I am not creative” since she KNOWS we are all creative beings!
Rev. Cindy has moved to Salt Lake and is now our full-time senior minister.
Cathi Hughes
After watching Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life, Cathi searched Religious Science and found there was a Center for Spiritual Living at 1111 Brickyard Rd, in Salt Lake!!
It was love at first sight, she had no idea Salt Lake offered such a spiritual community, since then she has made lifelong connections and the spiritual technology has further blessed her life. She also loves being part of a space that offers healing assistance to the community.
When asked to be on the Leadership team she knew it was “her’s to do”.
Her guiding philosophy is from Ghandi- When he was asked if he were Muslim, Hindu or Jew Ghandi replied “Yes!” because they are my brothers.
Cathi feels deeply connected to those who are religious or not. All are “siblings” in the Divine Mind. Cathi loves being part of a spiritual community that honors all paths, without judgement.
She and her husband have woven the Science of Mind & Law of Attraction deeply into their life and business. They eloped 1/11/2000 making their 11th Anniversary on 1/11/11 (Not intentionally) They are partners in spirit & life & business.
They live in their perfect home that was visioned for - a horse property in Rose Canyon that overlooks Salt Lake Valley. It provides space to have their furry family of 4 Dogs, Zeus- Yin-Yang & Roxie- and of course Chloe their feline companion, and plan on making that their home for years to come.
Robert Wetzel
Robert recently returned to Utah and is pleased to make Salt Lake City his home again. He discovered Religious Science in the early ‘80s and studied under Dr, Jay Scott Neale in northern California. Robert credits his “things just seem to go my way” life to the SOM textbook and countless New Thought teachers over the years. Members who have been with the church for some time will remember Robert, he served as President on the Board of Trustees over four years in the late ‘90s and early ‘00s.
During the past fifteen years, Robert lived in mid-town Manhattan where he owned and operated a small retail shop along with working in the real estate market. He went on to serve as project manager overseeing the design and buildout of the LaGuardia airport headquarters for a large airline. Throughout his time out east, Robert was an active member of the New York Community Center for Spiritual Living and served on the Board of Trustees with Rev. Loretta Brooks.
Back in Utah, he continues working as a real estate broker from his office in Sugarhouse. With his professional background, Robert has developed excellent management and problem solving skills that are ideally suited to aid our Center in moving forward.
Geri Henich
Geri has been a member of the SLCSL since 2006. Elected in May 2022, this is her 3rd time serving on the CSL Board.
Geri had a 37 year career with P&G and retired in 2017. She has never been married but met the love of her life 5 years ago (you may know him as Mr. Fun), Geri says, "never give up if it's something you want! "
She says that she has been abundantly blessed in many areas of her life and firmly believes that living the Science of Mind philosophy taught here at our Center will change your life! Geri is living, breathing proof of that! She loves to travel with her sweetie and they plan to do a lot more of it in the near future.
Geri LOVES the Salt Lake Center for Spiritual Living~~and says "it's a wonderful place to make your spiritual home". She hopes you will all join her in getting our name and message out to the greater Salt Lake Community so more folks can transform their lives the way living the Principles has transformed her life!
Gayle Ulsaker
Gayle describes herself as a recovered Mormon and very grateful my good friend Barbara invited me to just come to a service and “see if I liked it”.
Just when I swear I’d come just for the amazing music we enjoy so much, I hear a sermon, or even just a thought and I swear again I’d come just for that!
I have studied different religions and philosophies a good bit and I tried a number of non-denominational services here in the valley, but I can promise you this. I will pledge to do all I can to help get the word out to make people more aware of the spirit, the simple truths, the acceptance of our many diversities and the love that resonates here with you.
Lanna Cairns, RScP
For over thirty years, Lanna has been a student and teacher of spiritual practices in New Thought and Buddhist communities throughout the country. She was awakened to spirituality when she was 18, on a silent meditation retreat with Glenn Mullin, a renowned Tibetologist. She has studied with Jack Kornfield, Ruth Dennison, and Taizan Maezumi Roshi at the Zen Center of Los Angeles.
Having a master’s degree in religious studies, a published author of Organizing for Your Brain Type, Every Child Has a Thinking Style and A Mindful Life, she is currently in Ministerial School and will graduate in 2027 with a Masters in Wisdom Studies and a Certificate in Ministerial Education. Her mission is to serve humanity in times of joy and sorrow by teaching, leading, and inspiring those around her.
As Michelle Obama says, “Leave the door open for those behind you.” That is Cairns’ mission and purpose in her work at the Salt Lake Center for Spiritual Living and beyond.
Kevin Daniels
Kevin was introduced to the Center for Spiritual Living around 16 years ago.
A friend invited me to service, and I instantly knew I had found my spiritual home!
I immediately realized that the teachings of the Science of Mind were how I lived my life. This fantastic community welcomed me with open arms and complete acceptance as a Gay Man.
My favorite quote has always been, “Whatever the mind can believe it can achieve.”
I have always lived by these words and have never questioned how and always trusted the universe provides; all resources are available, and because of this, my life has been “charmed” in many ways with many accomplishments and successes. I look forward to bringing my love for this community and many experiences of an abundant life to this Board of Trustees.
Rev. Cindy Edelson
Rev. Cindy began her Spiritual quest at the young age of 17 and then follower her heart and attended art school in the San Francisco Bay area.
Years later Cindy was introduced to New Thought wisdom teachings and has been a Spiritual Counselor for over 19 years first through the Centers for Spiritual Living then with Heart Space Teachings in San Jose.
Rev Cindy was recently a staff minister at Agape Bay Area and has Ministerial duties at Agape International. Rev Cindy is also an Energy Codes Master Trainer and Facilitator.
Ric Sharette
Ric has served the Salt Lake Center for Spiritual Living as Music Director for over 22 years. He has been a sustaining member since 1997, taking many accredited classes and earning his Practitioner license in 2004. Ric served as a Licensed Practitioner for nine years.
"I love this community, its vision and purpose. I've made some meaningful friendships with so many wonderful, talented, beautiful, compassionate and caring people over the years. I want to do all I can to support, strengthen, enliven and expand this fine community and all it has to offer the greater Salt Lake Valley. It is my privilege to serve on the Ministry Council".
Linda Brewer, RScP
While serving as the Chaplain for Huntsman Cancer Hospital, Linda worked most Sundays. This kept her from physically attending the Center for several years. When she retired in January of 2019 she returned to the Center and was asked to join the Leadership Council as the Outreach Coordinator. There she served on the team that proposed the changes to the By-Laws that established the Ministry Council and the Board of Trustees.
Recognizing her call was to the ministry of the Center more than the business, she joined the Ministry Council, initially as the Secretary, then as the Coordinator for the Sunday Service—coordinating the speakers, service hosts, and practitioners that participate in the Sunday Celebration Service.
Sue Gardner
Sue joined the Center for Spiritual Living in 2016. She had been looking for an organization that was nationally established and had a philosophy and structure that felt good to her. She wanted a message that was wholistic and allowed for spiritual expansion.
She had already explored several experiential learning opportunities: Werner Erhard programs -- 8 years, A Course in Miracles -- 5 years, 9 years with the Inner Light Center (Ernest Holmes philosophy and ancient religious teachings -- 3 years co-facilitating discussion groups on The Way of Mastery -- 2 years participating in Avatarprograms).
Along the way, Sue created 22 scenarios on cards that evolved into a game. Although this game of situations became well received, it continued to be challenging to explain optimal benefits to players. Recent studies, however, have cast new light on this question. As more details are revealed, Sue plans to share them.
Sue is the Coordinator for the Service Area Teams at the Salt Lake Center for Spiritual Living
Tharoll Hinckley
Tharoll became a practitioner to pray with people.
He grew LDS but when he heard not only am "I am a Child of God" but that "God is within me" it struck a chord and he knew that it is true.
DelAnne Jessop Haslam
Del is a native Utahn, born the youngest of five and at age 3 began performing with the family band The Jessop Family Singers. She hasn’t stopped performing since. She loves to sing all genres of music and has sung in children’s groups, choirs, commercials, operas, plays, sporting events, and bands. But her favorite gig is singing with The Center for Spiritual Living Band every Sunday morning.
DelAnne was introduced to the Center For Spiritual Living in 2014 when she and her sister were looking to add some spiritual community into their lives. Ric and the band kept them coming back long enough to hear the Science of Mind message and she was hooked. She took the foundations class and a few other courses and then began singing with Kopo on Sundays in 2015. She even spent a few months as music director before she took a much-needed hiatus in 2016. In 2017 Ric invited her back as special music and then invited her to stay on with the band.
"I was ecstatic and feel so blessed to sing with my community of spiritual friends each week."
Rev. Myrna Hirst
Rev. Myrna discovered the Salt Lake Center for Spiritual Living in 1998, became a practitioner in 2002, and an ordained minister in 2017. She has served in many capacities at the Salt Lake Center. After graduation she was the founding minister at the Layton Center for Spiritual Living, then returned to the Salt Lake Center in 2021,where she speaks occasionally, teaches classes, and is the Visioning Coordinator.
Visioning is a process that connects us with the Higher Wisdom as we seek answers to life’s questions. The Visioning Core meets regularly to consider the Highest Vision for the Center and share this information with Leadership.
Rev. Myrna has been centered in the Science of Mind philosophy for more than 25 years. The philosophy and its practice has changed her life, and the people at the Center are her family.
Cathi Hughes
Cathi always had a sense of the Divine but it was through the lens of religion where there seemed to be so much contradiction & judgment. In the early 2000’s she discovered Wayne Dyer & The Power of Intention, then The Secret in 2006, but had no idea there was a spiritual community that taught that deep work.
In 2010 she started noticing number sequences 1111 or 111, After watching Louse Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life, she searched Religious Science and found there was a Center for Spiritual Living at 1111 Brickyard Rd, in Salt Lake!!
It was love at first sight, she had no idea Salt Lake offered such a spiritual community, since then she has made lifelong connections and the spiritual technology has further blessed her life. She also loves being part of a space that offers healing assistance to the community.
When asked to be on the Events team she knew it was “her’s to do”. The virtual world has many benefits but doesn't offer authentic connections. Her mission is to bring fun that facilitates deep connection.
Her guiding philosophy is from Ghandi- When he was asked if he were Muslim, Hindu or Jew Ghandi replied “Yes!” because they are my brothers.
Cathi feels deeply connected to those who are religious or not. All are “siblings” in the Divine Mind. Cathi oves being part of a spiritual community that honors all paths, without judgement.
She and her husband have woven the Science of Mind & Law of Attraction deeply into their life and business. They eloped 1/11/2000 making their 11th Anniversary on 1/11/11 (Not intentionally) They are partners in spirit & life & business.
They live in their perfect home that was visioned for - a horse property in Rose Canyon that overlooks Salt Lake Valley. It provides space to have their furry family of 5 Dogs, Zeus- Allie-Yin-Yang & Roxie- and of course Chloe their feline companion, and plan on making that their home for years to come.
Michael Schlager
Michael was born and raised in the South San Francisco Bay Area, moving to Utah in 2015.
He grew up in the United Methodist Church, then wandered to the United Church of Christ, before eventually being introduced to the Center for Spiritual Living in San Jose, where he quickly found a new spiritual home.
Michael has served as Chairperson of the Church and Society Committee, and Administrative Board member at the Campbell United Methodist Church. He was later Council President of the Campbell United Church of Christ, assisting that community during its pastoral search process.
Now seven years attending the Salt Lake Center for Spiritual Living, Michael has taken Foundations Class in the Fall of 2019, and joined the Ministry Council as Communications Chairperson in January of 2021. He has also been seen on stage a few times at our Drag Queen Bingo events!
Michael has a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Meteorology from San Jose State University, and worked as an Aviation Meteorologist with Boeing, for 20 years, until the Universe brought about a career change in 2018. Michael presently can be found working in the Emergency Department for the University of Utah South Jordan Health Center in Daybreak, as a Patient Relations Specialist.
He lives in Daybreak with his dog Carrie, and cat Smudge.
Salina Baugh
Salina Baugh first discovered the Salt Lake Center for Spiritual Living in 2001 and jumped in with both feet, taking classes and volunteering. Both of these activities grounded her in the philosophy and built sustaining friendships.
In 2007 Salina licensed as a Practitioner and has been of service to the Center in many capacities.
Currently, Salina is focusing her attention on teaching classes and one-on-one spiritual coaching. Salina loves sharing her personal insights and why she believes the application of this philosophy is not only relevant today, but if applied daily will change lives.
Is this how you are called to serve your community?
The Ministry Council is responsible for all the Ministry functions of our Center - The Sunday Service, Classes, our Ministry of Prayer, Youth Ministry, Social Events, outreach to the broader community, and others. The Ministry Council is comprised of Ministry Team Leaders who keep their teams of volunteers informed, and bring questions and concerns back to the Ministry Council.
Meetings are open for anyone to attend and observe. When time permits, guests may be invited to comment at appropriate times. Those wishing to present something to the Ministry Council may request time on the agenda two weeks in advance. For more information, please feel free to contact us at
Salt Lake Center for Spiritual Living
4516 S 700 E, Suite 350 (Classroom,102) Salt Lake City, UT 84107